Annotation API

GET Annotate a block of text, based on the specified dictionaries.


Name Located in Description Type
dictionaries query dictionary names, delimited by comma (',') String
text query a block of text String
rich query set it to 'true' for rich output Boolean
threshold query similarity threshold for cut-off Float


200 annotation result in the PubAnnotation JSON Format
  "text":"I have a stomach ache.",
400 Bad Request, e.g., a mandatory parameter setting is missing.
  "message": "no text is supplied."
POST Same as above, but a block (or blocks) of text can be given in JSON


Name Located in Description Type
body body a JSON object with a block of text Array of Object
rich query set it to 'true' for rich output Boolean
threshold query similarity threshold for cut-off Float


200 annotation result in PubAnnotation JSON Format
  "text":"I have a stomach ache.",
400 Bad Request, e.g., a mandatory parameter setting is missing.
  "message": "no text is supplied."
POST To create an annotation task to a block of text (or blocks of text).


Name Located in Description Type
dictionaries query dictionaries, delimited by comma (',') String
body body a JSON object with a block of text, or an array of multiple JSON objects Array of Object
rich query set it to 'true' for rich output Boolean
threshold query similarity threshold for cut-off Float


201 The URL from which the result of annotation to be retrieved will be informed through the Location header
Name Description Type Format
Location The URL from which the result of annotation to be retrieved string url
400 Bad Request, e.g., a mandatory parameter setting is missing.
  "message": "no text is supplied."
503 The request is valid, but the server is unavailable to fulfil it due to, e.g., server overload.
GET To retrieve the result of annotation


Name Located in Description Type
id path the id of annotation result String


200 The result of annotation in PubAnnotation JSON format.
  "text":"I have a stomach ache.",
404 The result of annotation is not (yet) available.
410 The result of annotation is (permanently) removed from the server.